Wednesday, August 26, 2009


parking on dixie campus= very scarce.

yoga class= early. but good.

the three wakefeilds that I nanny for? SO cute. and SO crazy.

warning about registration on the second day of school= no good.

learning about happiness in family relations=interesting and lovely.

meeting kind library boy=way good!

weird institute teacher=not good.

in and out with tif for lunch=good.

math= okay.

math book and family relations book= coming soon. (i hope)

beholding magic tonight=good.

date with kind library boy friday night= YES!

today better than yesterday? YES.

new institute teacher? YES. please and thanks.

texts from my korean? good.

closing for the first time at work tomorrow? good/scary

college funds? could be anywhere right now.

me? content and :D

the average of my experience at DSC so far? GOOD.

my room? calling my name to come clean it.

mailbox? really wants a missionary reply.
I sent out eight. We'll see who wins.

thee, end.

Friday, August 7, 2009

the three fackrell girls.

so pretty. so loving. and so lovely.
seven babies now! Thats so many babies!
Auri already looks older, maybe its the pigtail party on her head, but.
I am the aunt of seven.
I am so lucky.
I am part of some good lookings.
I love you baby Eden. Let's meet real soon, in real life.