Friday, August 7, 2009

the three fackrell girls.

so pretty. so loving. and so lovely.
seven babies now! Thats so many babies!
Auri already looks older, maybe its the pigtail party on her head, but.
I am the aunt of seven.
I am so lucky.
I am part of some good lookings.
I love you baby Eden. Let's meet real soon, in real life.


kate said...

So cute! Auri looks so big too!! Congrags Auntie Krista!

Anonymous said...

Yay! Babies are the best. Especially when they're your nieces or nephews.

s@d said...

Thanks Krista for posting the picture. I've had her in labor now for 3 + days. They are cute girls. I'm glad she made it safely here.