Thursday, April 8, 2010

you can call me a flake if you'd like.

i friggen hate my job lately.
i was supposed to be off at eight tonight and didn't get home til ten.
the life of a catastrophe waitress.

in lighter news, my most favorite band of all time has a cover c.d. mixtape that is said to be released in the summer.
happiness. excitement. love.
see here:

on a side note, i keep singing the lyrics of THIS song everywhere i go. they are not my favorite band by any means. i think i actually like it so much because its' so horrible and hilarious. also it's from 1989, which was the year i was born. profound.

On Friday night of conference weekend, I watched one of my very favorite movies with my sister. This trailer makes it look so creepy. But it really is my favorite, and it's not even creepy. I promise. mmm Edward Norton. Have you seen this movie? If you haven't, please do. Its beautiful. Kerrah will even tell you so.

Check out this awesome picture of the Salt Lake temple that I found. It has always bugged me that the SLC Temple is buried by the big buildings and doesn't poke out from everything else. Too bad I didn't live back then!
I've never been inside this one. I hope that I can attend baptisms this summer there. Because I hope to make "the place" my home for the summer, if all goes as planned. It's a mere dream at the moment. But that is really where I'd like to spend my summertime. we'll see what my brother in law says. cross your fingers for me.

Many of you {a.k.a Kate B & Tim D} have been asking what i'm doing with my life.
I'm just living it. still trying to pass math.(I appreciate prayers)
going to the gym. eating. working. studying. sleeping. pumping up the jam.
But. for those of you that care, I plan on getting my associates degree after this upcoming fall semester, and hope to be leaving for an LDS mission thereafter. Now. plans always change. So please, disregard this as an announcement. Who knows, maybe i'll meet my husband tomorrow. Or perhaps i'll meet him in Salt Lake if i end up moving there for a bit. China would be great. I know it would. I would be doing service, learning, seeing the world and it would be good. BUT: its like that good, better, best talk and a mission is just the best thing I could plan on right now. Truth is, I hardly think of going to China anymore. I think of spreading happiness to the world. I think of telling people about the plan of salvation and that they can live with their families forever. I imagine the look on people's faces as I testify of the pure love of our Savior. And that to me, is more glorious than anything I could do here, or across the sea. Besides marrying my husband of course. He's somewhere, beyond the sea. Or maybe just, around.


kate said...

sounds like a great plan lady!

just reading this, i can totally see what a great missionary you'll be, if that's what you decide when the time comes.


maybe the boy you'll marry will want to go to china with you! even better! :)

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy the plan all except that you should come to California instead of Salt Lake...then again, cootie couch is gone so you would have to curl up on shorty-which I guess would be fine considering your practically it's length.
